Other Support Services
We are here to help you cope with other aspects of your life that may have an impact on your housing
We also work closely with health providers who are encouraged to refer patients to us through a system called social prescribing
Welfare and Benefits
If you have any questions or problems relating to welfare and benefits we can help you. Our expert team will assess your situation and make sure you’re receiving everything you’re entitled to, before helping you with any other problems.
Health and wellbeing
This service focuses on people on low incomes whose adverse housing conditions have a direct impact on their health and wellbeing. Those we assist often have inadequate heating in their homes or may be struggling to pay the fuel bills.
If we can help you under this service, we will try to:
Sort out any urgent issues, which might include providing temporary heaters; negotiating with gas or electricity suppliers to prevent disconnections; sorting urgent debt or benefits issues; or providing food bank vouchers.
Then we will
Advise and act for you to make sure that the landlord meets his or her legal responsibilities to keep your home in good repair, with adequate, and affordable, heating; help you to clear energy or other debts or to get a smart energy meter installed; or check whether you may be eligible for any grants to help you to make your home more energy efficient.
Then we will
Offer a mentoring and befriending programme for up to six months to help you to achieve your housing or lifestyle goals, ranging from help with budgeting or saving; IT skills; understanding your tenancy rights.
Mentoring and Befriending
We offer support and practical assistance to people who may be isolated or lack confidence and need help with day-to-day challenges.
Matched with one of our trained volunteer befrienders and mentors, they work with you to achieve specific goals you have both agreed from the beginning.
The main purpose is to encourage you to do as much as you can, which increases your self-confidence and resilience. So next time you have a similar problem, you’ll be in a better position to handle it.
It’s for a maximum of six months, where you can meet weekly for an hour or two in a public space, like a library. As well as offering a listening ear, our volunteers help with for example, changing your energy tariffs to reduce your bills, introducing you to local community groups, accompanying you to meetings to ensure you can have your say, collating evidence to support your housing application and much more.
If you think this could be of help to you, then please get in touch with us.