A healthy and stable home requires a healthy and stable environment
We deserve to feel safe in our own neighbourhoods, regardless of tenancy, location, or background.
Anti-Social Behaviour, Social Housing, and Evictions
Anti-Social Behaviour is often caused by a plethora of issues, including mental ill-health, and often requires social support. So why are #PRS #landlords #housing a large number of those exhibiting ASB? Jacky Peacock discusses the implications in our latest blog post.
Will rents continue to rise?
Rents, both social and private, are increasingly becoming unaffordable - but what solutions are out there for us? Jacky Peacock, our Head of Policy, explores this in her latest blog post for Advice for Renters.
Our Joint Letter to the PM.
Today at noon members of the Renters Reform Coalition delivered a letter to PM Boris Johnson asking him to keep his promise to renters…
Fruition Properties – do Property Developers really have values?
Do Property Developers really have values?
Bringing empty homes back into use – there must be a better system
According to Government figures, in Sept 2021 there were 238,306 properties that had been empty for longer than six months – 4,566 of which were in Brent and the other West London boroughs.
Will new legislation really get rid of ‘no fault’ evictions?
Are the reforms for renters about to be retrieved from the long grass into which they were kicked?