Winter Provisions Resources
Winter provisions are vital for those who are rough sleeping and need support during the coldest season of the year. We’ve compiled a list of local service providers in both London and Hereford for those needing a helping hand.
London (including Brent)
Homelessness Shelters
1-2 Bank Buildings, High Street, Harlesden, NW10 4LT
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Visiting hours are from 10am to 4pm, generally by appointment
0208 965 2561
Crisis Centres
Offering hot meals, showers, advice, phone calls, films, games and many other activities. Learn more here.
All centres are open from Sunday 24th December to Thursday 28th December, from 10am to 5pm.
Bermondsey Day Centre, 240 Lynton Road, SE1 5LA
Stratford Day Centre, Pitchford Street, E15 4RZ
Pimlico Day Centre, 36 Lupus Street, SW1V 3AT
The Passage
Provides accommodation for all sorts of people who are sleeping rough, including those who have been sleeping on the streets long-term, as well as those who have recently been made homeless and have no connections to Westminster
They also provide other support services, including mental health, addiction, and other specialist needs
Their Resource Centre is also a hub for various community activities. Click the link above to learn more
St Vincent’s Centre, Carlisle Place, SW1P 1NL
020 7592 1850
Shelters are operational until the end of March 2024
There is an open-access policy - no prerequisites to access the shelter.
There are 3 locations:
Kensington and Chelsea
Hammersmith and Fulham
There are 40 spaces for women and 65 for men.
All guests will be provided with a hot meal, a place to sleep, and breakfast in the morning.
Please click the link above to access referrals.
Domestic Violence Shelters
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Offers online live chat via their website or a telephone number to call for free and in confidence, 24 hours a day - 0808 2000 247
They provide information on your rights and how to get to a refuge
A pan-London organisation providing services to women affected by domestic abuse
108 Craven Park, Harlesden, NW10 8QE
020 8961 6549 or 020 8961 5701
Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm
Soup Kitchens/Christmas Lunch or Dinner
Camden Community Kitchen - festive meals available for locals across Camden borough
Tuesday 20th, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd, and Wednesday 28th December from 4pm to 7pm - Old Diorama Arts Centre, 201 Drummond Street, NW1 3FE
Thursday 29th and Friday 30th December from 4pm to 7pm - BWA Surma Centre, 1 Robert Street, NW1 3JU
Attendees are requested to sign up in advance or to contact or call 07923 849277.
Pinner Association of Churches’ Christmas Day Lunch
Please click here to request an invitation for yourself or someone you know
Invitations are for everyone regardless of age, circumstances, or belief
Those who live within 5 miles of Pinner can have transport arranged, and there is a minibus service for wheelchair users
Pinner Parish Church, Church Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3AA
Food Banks
Sufra NW - 2 locations
Sufra NW London, 160 Pitsfield Way, NW10 0PW
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am to 3pm
The Pakistan Community Centre, Marley Walk, NW2 4PU
Tuesdays, 11:30am to 3pm
They also offer delivery services to those who are vulnerable
Brent Trussell Trust Foodbank - 2 locations
Neasden Centre - St Mary's Church, Church End, Next to Church End roundabout, Neasden Lane, NW10 2TS
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30pm to 3pm
The nearest bus routes are 260, 266 and 297
Kingsbury Centre - Lindsay Park Baptist Church, The Mall, Kenton, HA3 9TG
Wednesdays, 1pm to 3pm
Christmas opening days:
Tuesday 19th December: 12.30pm - 3pm (Neasden)
Wednesday 20th December: 12.30pm - 3pm (Kingsbury)
Thursday 21st December: 12.30pm - 3pm (Neasden)
Friday 22nd December: 12.30pm - 3pm (Neasden - extra session)
Closed between Christmas and New Year, reopen 2nd Jan
0203 7455 972
Other Services
Offers showers to the hidden homeless every Saturday from 10am to 2pm
St Giles High St, London, WC2H 8LG
Connects rough sleepers to their local services
This service can be used by rough sleepers or someone who wants to help someone rough sleeping
0330 053 6091 for under 25
0344 515 1540 for 25 and over
Both lines are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 5pm
If you have any concerns about a person being harmed or at risk of abuse, call the Safeguarding Adults Team on 020 8937 4098.
If you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse, speak to Advance by calling 07398 454898
If you or someone you know needs urgent help washing, feeding or dressing themselves but does not have any friends or family to support them, call 020 8937 6589
For emergency homelessness
Please call 020 8937 1234 and select option 2.
If you see someone sleeping rough throughout the holidays, report this on the Streetlink website or call 0300 500 0914.
Hereford (and surrounding areas)
Homelessness Shelters
Herefordshire Council’s Winter Shelter
Night Shelter Provision - this opened on Monday 11th December
It operates as a dormitory-style accommodation for men, while women have self-contained ‘pods’. They will be staffed throughout the night by staff from partner charities and members of the local community.
All accommodation will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Union Cafe will also be open, where the Living Hope Hub will be providing a warm space. Hot drinks and food will be on offer, and this is specifically for those who need access to the shelter.
Opening hours are from 8pm to 8am. The shelter will need to be vacated by 8am, and occupants will be signposted to any services or support they may need through the day.
Arrow Building, Symonds Street, Hereford, HR1 2HA.
Domestic Violence Shelters
West Mercia Women’s Aid
They provide refuge services to women who live in the area they serve (Hereford, Shropshire, Telford, Wrekin and Worcester)
You will need to complete a referral form which can be found here
If someone needs emergency refuge, please call their emergency helpline:
0800 783 1359 for Hereford, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
0800 980 3331 for Worcester
Soup Kitchens/Christmas Lunch or Dinner
They provide a hot breakfast and a packed lunch to the homeless and people in need, including those in temporary or sub-standard accommodation
They also have a podiatry, barber, access to Council and NHS services
01432 278328
Hereford Open Door, 3 Bedford Street, Hereford, HR4 0DR
Open on Fridays from 8am to 10am.
Soup Kitchens/Christmas Lunch or Dinner
Operates through a system of referrals. You can self-refer or refer someone you know through their website linked above, and they will get in touch afterwards to arrange for a delivery of a food parcel
This year, they are putting together Christmas hampers for families which will include food and vouchers for toys
01432 607011 - on weekdays between 10am and 3pm
This food bank operates on a voucher scheme, which are available from agencies throughout the town
They are open between 9am and 11am each Tuesday
07748 319940
They offer food donated by supermarkets to reduce food waste
They have various locations for different days
Scout Hut on Blackmarston Road at 11am on Monday
St. Martin’s Church at 12pm on Monday
Belmont Community Centre at 12pm on Friday
Please remember to bring a carrier bag with you
They also provide help with food bank applications through their volunteers
After Food Share on Mondays, they also offer a hot meal and drink to anyone who needs it
These parcels include food for pets, and household items such as cleaning products or toilet roll are also available
You can collect or have your parcel delivered discreetly
No referrals are required - just call or text 07942 672077
Please call before 12pm on a Monday for collection/delivery on Tuesday morning, or call before 12pm on a Wednesday for collection delivery on Thursday morning
For more info, click the link above
Other food banks can be found by clicking this link here, or using the map below.
Other Services
24 hour domestic abuse helpline
Ran by West Mercia Women’s Aid
0800 783 1359 for Hereford, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
0800 980 3331 for Worcester
Hereford Council
01432 261600 for those who are homeless and have an emergency outside of operating hours
If you see someone sleeping rough throughout the holidays, report this on the Streetlink website.