London Mayoral Election - 2021

Our COVID-19 recovery must be fair and green


With 2.4 Million households now in fuel poverty and 10,000 winter deaths annually attributed to cold homes, Advice for Renters believe the next London Mayor has a responsibility to tackle fuel poverty head on.

We challenged London Mayoral candidates to commit to improving energy efficiency in private rented homes during their next term.

Their responses are published below.

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Luisa Porritt - Lib Dem

“London is at a turning point because of COVID-19, presenting an opportunity to rethink how we can both address London’s current housing crisis and also present a sustainable, long-term model for providing homes, to ensure that everyone is able to heat and power their homes efficiently and without falling into poverty.”

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Sadiq Khan - Labour

“If I’m re-elected on 6 May, I will continue my work to make London carbon-neutral by 2030 through my Green New Deal, campaign for rent controls and stand up for Londoners to ensure they live in warm and affordable homes”

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Sian Berry - Green

“A safe place to live is a human right. We must keep reforming the private rented sector, and fight together for better rights and the power to bring in rent controls”